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Digital Advisory

To support you wherever you are in your digital journey we offer a number of Advisory Service Packages.

These provide tailored and just-in-time assistance in a condensed format, at a pre-defined cost. All service bundles have a well-defined outcome that you can apply directly.

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We really need to step up our digital activities. But there are so many moving parts. Where to start – and what comes next? Lotta, CDO    

Accelerate your digital presence

To address this situation, we recommend adopting a highly  structured, strategic approach. Our Digital Transformation Booster services can help kick-start your efforts and develop a roadmap for your tactical and operational activities. 

If leveraging data as a business enabler is a priority, our Data Enhancement- or AI Readiness services can assist you in preparing for and planning a data-driven innovation initiative.

We know what we should build to achieve our objectives. But we need a development partner to assist us in this Jacob, VP R&D    

Develop high-performing products and services

If you are launching or executing a digital innovation initiative, our Product Journey services can provide valuable support. This highly structured path takes you from Exploration and Discovery all the way to an operational, high-performing product or service.

Along this journey, we may also help you to fill temporary gaps in your Development teams or Specialist consultants

Our development is agile. But pressure is increasing. To reach the next level we should consider an agile approach throughout all processes Emily, CIO      

Embrace Agility

Agile development is a good starting point. Both experience and research shows that organizations that apply agile principles more widely, including from a business perspective, are able to achieve significant additional benefits.  

To embark on this journey, we highly recommend our Business and Organizational Agility service package. This hands-on service help you apply agile methodologies to enhance productivity, responsiveness, and resilience; taking your organization to the next level. If you are planning or already engaged in multiple parallel innovation activities, aligning your portfolio management practices to become fully agile throughout the entire process is crucial. Our Agile Portfolio Management service package can provide valuable support in this endeavor.

We have heaps of valuable data. But it is scattered and incomplete. We should be able to leverage our data to create more value Carl, Product Manager      

Monetize your data

Like most organizations, you continuously collect data. You recognize the immense potential of data for revenue generation and business growth. However, some of your data remains untapped, limiting its ability to generate value. 

Our Data Enhancement service package is designed to address this challenge. We can help you uncover the hidden value within your existing data and identify gaps in your data strategies.

Throughout this process, we often identify opportunities to leverage Machine Learning and AI techniques to further enhance your internal processes and business offerings. To prepare your organization for this transformation, our AI Readiness service package can provide valuable assistance. 

We have so many digital assets in operation. It is hard to keep up with the rapid technological advancements and increasing cyber threats Alexandra, CTO     

Safeguard your digital investments

This is a very common situation. You have achieved success in your digital activities and have a portfolio of stable and valuable digital products and services. However, maintaining stability is challenging amidst rapid technological advancements, emerging competition and potential security threats. 

To help you to adapt to market and technological dynamics, we provide tailored service packages designed to meet your specific needs. Our Application Modernization services help you to revamp your existing applications while preserving your previous investments. Additionally, we can assist in enhancing your Product Architecture  and Customer Experience. Recognizing the importance of security, our Security Enhancement services can help you to build robust protective measures from the ground up.

Our Advisory Service packages

Digital Transformation Booster

Unlock new opportunities and achieve your digital objectives.

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Business and Organizational Agility

Embrace change, innovate and thrive.

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Agile Portfolio Management

Transition from a top-down or hybrid planning and governance model to a streamlined approach that maximizes value creation

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Environmental Impact Analysis

Analyze a specific process, calculate impact and propose an alternative solution. Devoteam calls this the Environmental Return on Investment (or short E-RoI) package

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Data Enhancement

Discover and unleash your data’s full potential.

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AI Readiness
Prepare your organization fo AI-enabled innovation

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Application Modernization

Future-proof your applications and safeguard your investments.

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Architecture Enhancement
Future-proof and optimize your product architecture

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UX Enhancement
Improve user satisfaction and engagement to elevate business results

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Security Enhancement
Secure your software and data assets to protect your business and users

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BizTalk Migration
Assess the opportunities, limitations and work effort of a migration to Azure Integration Services.

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Our services.

Digital Advisory

Unlock your full digital potential, ignite growth and future-proof your organization with our results-driven advisory services.

Cloud Enablement

Modernize your IT infrastructure, cloud platform and digital workplace, leveraging the world’s leading tech platforms.

Product Development

Unleash creativity and shape
the future of your business with our bespoke design and development services.